Bahá’ís collaborate on Climate Change

The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United States recently informed Local Bahá’í Communities throughout the U.S. of a collaborative commitment by the International Bahá’í Community in connection with a plan of action on Climate Change. The following is an excerpt from their letter:

“The Baháʹí International Community recently joined forces with several major world faiths to launch—as part of a broad interfaith effort in collaboration with the United Nations—a Seven Year Plan of Action on Climate Change. By encouraging close study of Baháʹí teachings on the environment, the Baháʹí plan seeks to stimulate a range of grassroots responses to the climate change problem.

It is evident that human pressures on the environment are escalating, and perhaps no threat is as severe as that of climate change. The world’s scientists tell us the atmosphere is warming dangerously, in part as a result of human activity— primarily the burning of fossil fuels and the destruction of forests. The destabilization of the global climate system is in large measure a moral challenge, requiring humanity to develop a greater sense of stewardship and responsibility for the environment, as well as a greater awareness of the interdependence and oneness of all the earthʹs inhabitants.”

The Bahá’í Community of ANYTOWN_USA welcomes this development with enthusiasm and looks forward to participating and assisting an any way possible.

For further Information/Research:

Baha’i and Baha’i-Inspired Sites:

The Baháʹí International Community:Social and Sustainable Development:

US Bahá’í Community: Sustainable Development

Other Resources of Interest:

Interfaith Declaration on Climate Change—a statement endorsed by the
Baháʹí International Community:

Interfaith Power and Light—an interfaith program in response to climate
change with tips and resources for faith communities

The Renewal Project – A documentary about how diverse faith communities
are responding to environmental challenges (includes links to Baháʹí resources)